You’ve spend a lot of time and money on planning a vacation, so not taking the maximum out of it would really be a major waste. Everybody wants their vacations to be perfect, but are you sure that you’re planning it the right way? What’s the worst that could happen? Here, we will discuss a few common things that can ruin any trip, as well as ways of dealing with them while on the road.
1. Going way over budget
If you’re travelling with a companion, make sure that you both think alike when it comes to spending money. Overspending is not fun to deal with while on the road. Going a little over budget is not a problem, but extra-big purchases can cause you headaches when you get back home. Don’t spend more than you have, set a budget, and better stick to it. Communicate spending expectations with your travelling companions, and split up from time to time if necessary.
2. Forgetting to check on entry requirements
There are plenty of countries that allow tourists to enter either with some quick paperwork right there at the border or visa-free. However, others require having proper documents in place and planning ahead, which is your responsibility as a traveler. They simply won’t let you enter the country without the right documents. You can find out what you need to know just with a quick Google search, and make sure you do that long before the trip, because it can take up to few weeks for some visas to procure.
3. Not having your car tuned-up
If you’ve decided to travel by car, the worst thing that could happen is that it breaks down in the midst of your trip, and in the middle of nowhere. Take your car for a technical maintenance – have your fluids and battery checked, contacts cleaned, belts and windshield replaced, as well as the cabin air filter and engine air filter. The tires on your car should be rotated and balanced, and your spark plugs changed. If you’re not well acquainted with how things work under the hood, you can use the service of mobile mechanic assistance while on the road. Make sure you have a flashlight, a jack, a spare tire, jumper cables, and motor oil in the trunk.
4. Not researching your destination
The trip doesn’t have to be planned in its entirety, but building in some flexibility is not a bad idea. You should have an idea of all the things you’d like to do and see. Again, use the Internet to search for information about your trip destination, find online guides, browse destination reviews by people who went there recently, or ask your Facebook friends to recommend some sights and activities.
5. Not socializing with other people
You experience won’t be rich if you tend to communicate and socialize only with the people you came with. It’s really easy to travel somewhere without meeting any other tourists or locals, especially if you’re in an all-inclusive resort. Be open to people along the way, talk to other tourists, street sellers, shop owners, or taxi drivers. The best way to learn, explore and get to know other cultures is through people, because they are central to their cultures.
6. Not relaxing and keeping the tension away
When you’re travelling with another person for longer periods of time, communication is key. If it happens that you get bothered by the late beach arrival, the early bedtime, or the other person’s overspending habits, never stew over the issue. Talk every problem out instead of letting things boil over inside of you, because it will definitely create tension. Don’t throw any accusations around, as things will get much worse. Start your sentences with “it bothers me”, not with “you’re the problem”.
Those who travelled a lot know what kind of scenarios a traveler may encounter. You know how much can a bad scenario ruin a trip, so just focus on the adventure. Prepare yourself thoroughly before the trip and pay attention with whom you’re about to travel, because problems can occur if you’re not on the same page.