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There are times when some budget booking sites come in really handy and then there are times when you can still get some good deals on accommodation, but the budget aspect of it is not the immediate priority. Platforms such as do however offer the best of both worlds (price and specifically tailored quality), particularly if you’re looking for more specific accommodation like Stansted airport hotels.

That brings to light just one of many aspects of your travels you simply cannot afford to scrimp on, with accommodation forming part of many such expenses which make for a typical part of any trip. I’m not suggesting you only book a trip if you have enough money to lodge at a five star hotel or anything of that sort. All I’m saying is that you need to have a point in either direction beyond which you won’t go. So there has to be a maximum amount of money you’re willing to spend on accommodation and there has to be a limit in the other direction because that’s when it becomes an issue about quality.

Accommodation can get as cheap as you want in many cases, but what good is a free roof over your head if you can’t get any sleep at all?

I’m also not suggesting you fly only business class or anything like that, but if the cheapest airline ticket has you flying all over the world in the most uncomfortable seat you’ve ever flown in, only for you to have to endure many long layovers at numerous airports you even lose count of, then it’s not worth it, is it?

So, so far we have accommodation and transport as some of the travel expenses you can’t afford to scrimp on, but that doesn’t mean you have to splurge and go for the most expensive options either. You can get a really comfortable bed at a hostel or backpackers’ for instance, but the intended compromise in this instance has nothing to do with the price really. It’s about looking for the standard of accommodation you’d be happy and comfortable with, although price does indeed play an important role.

Some other travel expenses you can’t afford to scrimp on would include the likes of your medical insurance, your local transportation, your nutritional needs and any administrative processes which have anything to do with the organisational aspect of your trip.

With something like travel insurance you just have to make sure the coverage you’ve taken out is adequate, in other words it must pay out enough to cover any medical emergency which may befall you while you’re otherwise out enjoying your getaway, while local transportation should be comfortable enough to get you to and from your destination without putting too much strain on you physically. Private airport taxi shuttles are perhaps quite heavy on the pocket in comparison to the public transport regular folk use, but if it’s late and you’re arriving in a new country for the first time it’s much better to pay that much extra than to risk finding out why the private shuttle service costs that much more than the regular options on offer.
