You have probably heard something about glamping by now. After all, it is a type of camping which has become hugely popular all over the world. So what is it all about and could it be right for you?

The Basics

The word glamping comes from the combination of glamorous and camping. This pretty much sums it up, as it is a kind of luxurious or glamorous style of camping. It basically means camping with a lot of style and without losing the home comforts you are used to. While it is very much in vogue right now, the history of glamping can be traced back to more than a century ago. Rich Westerners travelling in Africa would make their journeys as comfortable and luxurious as possible. It has taken a long time for this type of camping to become a mainstream phenomenon but we can safely class it as that now.

A High Level of Comfort


As mentioned already, one of the key aspects of glamping is that the person doing it enjoys a high level of comfort. If you have always liked the idea of camping but don’t like the idea of roughing it then this could be ideal for you. For a start, you would expect this form of accommodation to give you access to hotel style facilities such as nice beds, clean bed linen and duvets, table cloths, heating, en suite bathroom facilities and good quality catering. It is a very simple idea; combining the comfort of a hotel with the adventure and excitement of a camping trip. The fact that it is becoming so popular these days shows that it is a kind of accommodation which appeals to many people.

Types of Accommodation: Yurt


One of the interesting things about glamping is that it can involve any one of a number of unusual types of accommodation. For example, a unique camping experience can be found by staying in a luxury safari tent, an eco pod, a tent cabin or any one of a number of other types of accommodation.  One very popular choice is to stay in a yurt. Yurts are traditionally used by Central Asian nomads and are now common in many modern camp sites as well. These make for a wonderfully exotic type of tent which makes any glamping trip far more memorable. They use a design which has been in practise for centuries and which gives a far more comfortable living space than a cramped tent with a low roof. They are also typically decorated in a fantastically ethnic way, with rugs, throws and even traditional lamps all adding to the authentic feel.

Types of Accommodation: Converted Buses and Boats

One stand out feature of glamping is the creativity used by many accommodation owners. With a lot of imagination and attention to detail just about anything can be turned into a place for glamorous camping. Some of the best examples in this case are the converted buses and boats which you can find in many parts of the world now. These make for unforgettable places to spend a few nights but equally important is that they don’t ever lose sight of the comfort and luxury which this form of camping has to involve. If you are fed up staying in hotels or villas then why not try sleeping in a lovingly decorated old bus or boat?

Types of Accommodation: Eco Pods


If you want to live a greener lifestyle then you might be interested in making sure that your holidays reflect this. Eco pods are available in many different places, with a variety of styles and facilities. For example, you might end up staying in a minimalist wooden pod in the Swiss Alps or in a recycled concrete pipe in Mexico. The fun of staying in eco pods is that you aren’t ever likely to stay in the same type of pod in two different places.

Types of Accommodation: Tree Houses


Tree houses are just for kids, right? Wrong. Another of the imaginative ways in which new types of accommodation are offered for glamping trips takes advantage of cabins or huts in trees as well. If you ever built a precarious tree house when you were younger then don’t worry; these are nothing like that. Instead, you get to stay in a sturdy, extremely comfortable cabin with good access and all of the home comforts you could ask for. Of course, one of the very best things about being in a tree house is the fact that it usually gives you an amazing view of the area. These are now popular in many different parts of the world, such as North America, Asia and various parts of Europe.

Many Different Destinations


As hinted at in the last couple of points, glamping is truly a global phenomenon these days. It is big in the UK but you can also do it on mainland Europe, all over the Americas and in a number of other destinations. This means that once you get a taste for it you could end travel in this way wherever you go in the future.

A Wide Range of Prices

Because there are some many different types of accommodation in different parts of the world the cost of glamping can vary widely. If you want the maximum level of luxury and exclusivity then you will need to pay a fair bit for this. On the other hand, if you want a good value family break then it needn’t cost you much more than a traditional camping holiday.

The Same Benefits as Traditional Camping But No Hassles

Perhaps the simplest way to sum up glamping is to say that it gives you the same benefits as a traditional camping trip without any of the hassles. Camping has always been seen as a way to get out into the wilds, relax away from the stress of the big city and spend some time staring up at a starry sky. You can do all of this on a glamping trip but you won’t need to carry a tent about with you, struggle to put the tent up, eat badly or spend a night sleeping uncomfortably.